
Son of a suta.

Lomaharshana/Romaharshana, a disciple of Vyasa, was a suta, a bard, a storyteller. He had six disciples, Sumati, Agnivarchah, Mitrayu, Shamshapayana, Akritavrana, Savarni.

He told the Puranas and the Mahabharata to the sages who lived in Shaunaka’s ashram in the naimisha forest Naimisharanya. When listening to the tales, the audience’s hair (loma/roma) stood on end (Harshana) from enthusiasm.

Ugrashravas was his son, who continued the tradition. As ’son of the suta‘ he is called Sauti. He is thus mentioned as Ugrashravas, Suta and Sauti.

Vaishampayana was also a disciple of Vyasa, he told the Mahabharata at the snake sacrifice of King Janamejaya.