
In Pushkar Brahma dwells with Savitri and Gayatri. Savitri ist another name of Sarasvati.

Brahma fell into a deep depression when he noticed that temples were dedicated to all Gods but not to him. He wanted to do something great that would remind everyone of him forever … but where? His lotus fell out of his hand and the problem was solved, where it fell on earth, he wanted to make an unprecedented sacrifice in the month of Karttika (October / November) … the place should be called Pushkar (blue lotus).

All the Gods were gathered, only Brahma’s wife, Savitri, was missing. Without a consort the sacrifice could not begin … time was running out, the auspicious moment for the beginning was imminent.

A woman had to be found in a hurry, it was Gayatri … Brahma married her on the spot. The sacrifice could begin. When Sarasvati appeared, the sacrifice was over. She cursed Brahma, only to be worshiped in Pushkar, and angrily moved to a high hill. Gayatri chose the opposite, lower hill as her home.

The lake of Pushkar was so sacred because of the sacrifice that anyone who bathed in it went to heaven, it became too crowded … Brahma decided that bathing in the lake should only lead to heaven five days a year, from the eleventh day before the full moon to the full moon in Karttika (October/November).